11 A Side Tournament: 25th & 26th July 2025
Small Sided Festival: 2nd & 3rd August 2025

Cancellation/Refund Policy

There is a nominal charge for teams who cancel or withdraw before 31st March.

This charge is £10 for one day event or £25 for a two day event.

After 31st March this increases to 25% of registration fee and may also be subject to finding a replacement team before any refund can be considered..

After 1st Jun no refunds for teams withdrawing

PLEASE NOTE - The SYFA have introduced a new rule that any team who enters a tournament and withdraws less than 14 days before the start of the Tournament and is reported to the SYFA for this may be fined up to £500.

Before entering, please check the availability of players for the dates of your event and that should make this less of an issue.